A church focused on loving people and impacting the world


'Grace for Healing' Series

This series is designed to awaken within you the fact that Grace covers sin. It doesn't just provide a way for you to sin without consequence but instead to receive righteousness and holiness. Grace paves the way for you in your life to receive by faith the sacrifice of Christ's life to deliver, heal and set you free.


No matter where you are in your faith journey, finding a Freedom Small Group is for you! This curriculum will challenge you to take a step toward truth - about God, faith, and yourself. Freedom groups are designed to help you move from the experience of salvation to the abundant life Jesus desires for you. As followers of Christ, we can still find ourselves wearing chains of guilt, shame, bitterness, and unforgiveness, but Jesus has broken those chains so we can live in FREEDOM. Join a Freedom Small Group this semester and experience an encounter with God that will change your life forever.

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